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Sexual Diseases and Protection (Conferences)

On August we had the opportunity to share with uncountable teenagers about the importance of knowing the consequences of having intimate and sexual relation without protection. Many of them were instructed on usage of condoms and what were results by having sexual relationship without it. We demonstrated to them and tough them several diseases caused by not having protection.   











A steering committee will be formed to involve community members, parents, school students, participating organizations, and other key program partners. The steering committee will meet monthly to review status reports, make recommendations for program revisions, identify program barriers, and review feedback from parents and children / youth / students who have participated in the project. Detailed quarterly reports will be prepared by the Program Coordinator, and reviewed by the steering committee.


Facebook Page: will be one of our main resources to provide information about our activities and in the same way serve as promoter and reminder of our community project. A public Affair person will also promote our projects and activities during the year by printing out posters and announcements regarding to any type of event. In addition to it, Twitter, Instagram, word of mouth, Radio Stations and TV programs will be available to spread out the news of this wonderful project as well. 


Our team members will do evaluations and results-oriented outcomes. These reports are in addition to the quarterly reports that will be prepared and submitted by the Project Coordinator to the Steering Committee and Management Team. 


The year-end reports will provide a detailed analytic comparison of all program activities, including post-test scores in content areas, grades, attendance, and academic achievement. The reports will also evaluate how well the program has met the proposed objectives. All programs and activities will be examined, and recommendations will be made for program modifications, as necessary. In general, the evaluation will examine how the program impacted the communities and participants.


The quarterly reports will allow parents, community residents, students, staff administrators, and others to receive feedback on the success of the project, and develop strategies to make adjustments to address issues and problems. They will outline attendance in the programs, interim assessment data for participants (students) and adults, comments from program participants, and observations by the coordinator and other staff. The criteria will be based on positive behaviors by youth and adults, educational achievements, more opportunities of job, etc. 


Hours may be extended based on input from community members, students, parents, and collaborative partners. 
















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